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Author Topic: Tarrant "Teasers"?  (Read 5766 times)


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Tarrant "Teasers"?
« on: November 29, 2004, 02:17:44 PM »
I'm looking for a little hosting advice, more so along the lines of things that Chris Tarrant has done to lead the contestants on and such before revealing if they were right; more so how he draws them in with the drama.

I've unfortunately not seen him in action, but from what I've read in various places, I love his material.

Could anyone who is familiar with the UK show please post up some comments / quips / clips that he has done in the past?

Much appreciated!
Mr. Game Show

Kevin Prather

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Tarrant "Teasers"?
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2004, 11:16:39 PM »
One example is "You had £125,000. You could've walked away, but you didn't, so you no longer have £125,000...you now have £250,000!"

Another: "If you said A...you would've lost £468,000......If you said B...you would've lost £468,000......If you said D.............................................you would've lost £468,000!"

Those are the only two I've seen.


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Tarrant "Teasers"?
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2004, 11:26:02 PM »
(From a Real Video clip when contestant Peter Lee became UK's FIRST £500,000 winner.  Sorry I don't have it for you to look, but I distinctly remember these lines...)

"Question number ____  of 15.  It's worth £_______ .   YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAY THIS QUESTION.

If you play it, give me the right answer, you win £ _______.

...but if you play it and give me the wrong answer...

...it will have cost you £ _______... (Tarrant convincingly stresses the amount of money to be lost if contestant is wrong.)

Ready?   Let's have a look at it."

You can fill in the blanks with appropriate dollar values from anywhere in the money tree!  hehe


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Tarrant "Teasers"?
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2004, 05:08:03 AM »
Tarrant is such a good host. The few times I've seen him, I've been sucked into the drama of the show almost entirely because of him.
Joe Coughlin     


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Tarrant "Teasers"?
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2004, 08:56:53 AM »
My favorite:

A contestant going for GBP 64,000, already won GBP 32,000...very, very confident of the answer of the 64K question:

*locks in Final Answer*

Tarrant: Well, Jim...*sigh*...I'm sorry to tell you that you've still got thirty-two thousand pounds.

*audience moans, contestant is devastated*

Two seconds later: "But now you've got another thirty-two thousand pounds to go along with it!"

Amazing. The guy is the best host I've ever seen. Meredith takes a lot from him.


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Tarrant "Teasers"?
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2004, 11:19:42 AM »
My personal favorite is whenever Chris will show the contestant the check, let the contestant touch it for a few seconds, then snatch it back and exclaim: "We DON'T want to give you that!"

-Joe R.
-Joe Raygor

Ian Wallis

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Tarrant "Teasers"?
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2004, 11:47:19 AM »
Amazing. The guy is the best host I've ever seen. Meredith takes a lot from him.

I like the way Merideth drags it out.  Regis did that a fair bit in the beginning too, stalling, and saying things like "confident?"  He didn't seem to do that very much towards the end.  Sometimes, this show screams out for this kind of drama!
« Last Edit: November 30, 2004, 11:47:46 AM by Ian Wallis »
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Tarrant "Teasers"?
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2004, 11:53:31 AM »
[quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' date=\'Nov 30 2004, 09:47 AM\']Sometimes, this show screams out for this kind of drama!
Absolutely it does. Mainly because there isn't much else to it. It's been said time and time again here that Millionaire at its base is really a very simple game, but the reveals and anticipation are what make it good TV.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
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Tarrant "Teasers"?
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2004, 12:50:48 PM »
[quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' date=\'Nov 30 2004, 12:47 PM\']
I like the way Merideth drags it out.  Regis did that a fair bit in the beginning too, stalling, and saying things like "confident?"  He didn't seem to do that very much towards the end.  Sometimes, this show screams out for this kind of drama!

I think Meredith does a terrible job with her teasing.  According to an article last week at TV Week, supposedly Michael Davies tells her in her ear to do it.  Regis didn't like to tease much, but still captured the drama of the moment.  With Meredith, there isn't as much drama in her voice or attitude, IMO.


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Tarrant "Teasers"?
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2004, 12:56:43 PM »
Though I must say Reege improved on the suspense a bit during Super Millionaire, especially making "Bob-O" Essig go bezerk winning the eventual $500,000 and then the $1 Million.  That was television...

On $500,000
*Final answer lock-in*
Regis: "You should've used a double-dip.  Ya know why?"
Bob-O: "Why?"
Regis: *sneaky* "You didn't need it.  YOU GOT THE ANSWER RIGHT!"

On $1 Million
*Final answer lock-in*
Regis: "The bad news is...you just wasted a double-dip.  BUT YOU GOT THE ANSWER RIGHT!</B>;
« Last Edit: November 30, 2004, 01:04:56 PM by pianogeek »


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Tarrant "Teasers"?
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2004, 03:09:04 PM »
I'm probably the only one ticked off by this, but whenever Meredith (or Regis, for that matter) pauses for more than a second after the final answer is locked in, the contestant is almost ALWAYS correct.  If the answer's wrong, she doesn't hesitate for long at all before giving the bad news.  

She can "tease" the contestant all she wants, and there must be some viewers who haven't noticed this (or I'm insane).  But because she only prolongs the suspense during a correct answer, I really don't find the show that fun to watch.


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Tarrant "Teasers"?
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2004, 07:42:38 PM »
I'd say Meredith Viera (sp?) has a lot of Tarrant in her.  Even more so than Regis.

She can be a sadistic bastard when she wants to be.  Not in a _mean_ way, per se...


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Tarrant "Teasers"?
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2004, 07:58:38 PM »
[quote name=\'JRaygor\' date=\'Nov 30 2004, 10:19 AM\']My personal favorite is whenever Chris will show the contestant the check, let the contestant touch it for a few seconds, then snatch it back and exclaim: "We DON'T want to give you that!"

-Joe R.

I love it when he does that! I get a good laugh out of it.

Kevin Prather

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Tarrant "Teasers"?
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2004, 08:04:55 PM »
I liked what he did with Charles Ingraham. He gave him the £500,000 cheque before the MPQ, then when Ingraham answered the question, Chris asked for the cheque back, and ripped it up.

Ian Wallis

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Tarrant "Teasers"?
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2004, 09:30:07 AM »
I'm probably the only one ticked off by this, but whenever Meredith (or Regis, for that matter) pauses for more than a second after the final answer is locked in, the contestant is almost ALWAYS correct. If the answer's wrong, she doesn't hesitate for long at all before giving the bad news.

Also, during the pause the camera almost always zooms in slightly to the contestant, so whenever I see that I know they got it right.
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